Thanks for having me be part of your event. I really look forward to bringing some laughs your way.

Copy and paste the section below into an e-mail. Fill in as much information as you know at this time. If you don’t have answers to some of the questions yet just put TBD.

Once compete, send to and I will draft an agreement, invoices and send your way for review.




====== Details for Contract ======


Date: ____________________


Appearance fee: $____________



Name you’d like as purchaser on the contract:_________________________________


Web site: ____________________________________


Day of show contact #

I’ll need a cell phone # for you for the day of the event (in case of any unexpected delays, directions, etc.,)

Cell# ___________________ 


Location of Event (including zip code):_____________________


Venue A/V contact person (if different from yourself): _______________________________

Phone: _______________________________

E-Mail: ___________________________________


Event Time Line (all times approximate):

Guests arrive at ______PM.  

“Barney Fife” appears from _______ to _______ (usually 30 minutes or so is just right)

Rik begins at _________PM.  

Length of Performance: _________. 

Event over at _________PM.  


Deposit:  Typically the deposit is $500 and refundable if weather or something unforseen prevents us from having the event. The deposit check is due with a signed copy of the contract.  There will be an address for the check to be sent to on the contract.



I will provide a W-9 tax form along with the contract and invoices.


Any questions? feel free to give me a call at: 615-293-3629.

