Rik Roberts provides clean comedy and creative keynotes to clients who want to unite or reward their members with laughter.


Fake “Expert” Strikes Again … This Time In Atlanta!

For the second time in three days I was able to “fool” the audience as a fake speaker. This time, I was speaking on the coal industry to commercial explosives and blasting systems provider Orica. As I explained how windmills were reversing the Earth rotation, I got a few puzzling looks … And then, when I…

rik roberts fake speaker

Palmyra, MO “Expert Weather Predictor” Fake Speaker Appearance

What do you get when you cross a stand-up comedian with false credentials?  A fake expert on weather prediction! I recently had the opportunity to speak to a group in Palmyra, MO for B. & S. Insurance. They wanted to through a curveball to the farmers attending the annual meeting. Buy, were they surprised when…